foxconn-factory-680x382Robots are naturally more efficient than human beings. This is because they do not require sleep or food, and won’t be distracted by things such as conversation with its co-workers or standing around the water cooler while gossiping about what goes on in the office. That being said, Foxconn’s Terry Guo has recently announced that the company will soon start to deploy the use of robots to help assemble future devices.

Guo also notes that Apple will be the first company that will be using their service, so assuming that Foxconn is still on track to produce the iPhone 6, hopefully this means that production will be a lot swifter and more efficient and less prone to errors, which in turn will help keep stock levels high so that wait times for the devices won’t be absurdly long.

These robots deployed by Foxconn are called Foxbots and are able to assemble an average of 30,000 devices and will cost $20,000-$25,000 each to make. Guo states that the robots are undergoing their final testing phase and expects to deploy about 10,000 of these robots in their factories.

Now the idea of Foxconn using robots isn’t exactly new. Back in 2011 we heard that Foxconn had plans to deploy robots, but we guess they are finally close to making it a reality. It is unclear how this will affect current Foxconn employees who are responsible for assembling the products.

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