It does look as though the upcoming version of Windows could arrive with features that will cater to both desktop as well as notebook users who are not too happy about making the leap from Windows 7 all the way to Windows 8 and beyond. After all, I am quite sure that quite a number of folks would miss the Windows Start Menu by a whole lot, not to mention it would be handy to have the ability for your device to switch between desktop and tablet user interface modes on the fly, depending on how one uses the device. Having said that, a couple of different reports do point to the possibility of Microsoft removing the desktop mode on smaller tablets.
Assuming the next generation operating system will be called Windows 9, it is said to be compatible with a wide range of devices, where it supposedly will run on the likes of a desktop, notebook, and tablet, in addition to a version of Windows that will power smartphones as well as ARM-based tablets. The latter ought to bring together Windows RT and Windows Phone software under one roof then.
To see Microsoft do away with the desktop function on smaller tablets down the road in a future iteration of Windows might be a good idea, but only time will be able to tell whether this particular strategy will pay off in the long run or not.
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