apple-store-chinaApple has faced multiple lawsuits in the past, and we guess this comes with the territory of being one of the larger tech companies in the world. Well it looks like this time Apple is hit with a new lawsuit, and no, it’s not from a disgruntled customers, patent trolls, or one of their many rivals in the industry, but instead it is a class action lawsuit filed on the behalf of over 20,000 Apple employees.

According to the report from TechCrunch, the lawsuit alleges that Apple had violated labor laws of over 20,000 of their employees, claiming that the Cupertino company had failed to pay timely wages to their employees amongst other things. The lawsuit was actually filed back in 2011 by four former Apple employees working in retail and corporate, but has since been certified as a class action lawsuit yesterday.

As per the filing, “Plaintiffs bring this Class Action against Defendants to recover for, among other things, failure to provide meal and rest periods, failure to furnish accurate itemized wage statements, and failure to pay timely wages on the end of employment, interest, attorneys’ fees, penalties, costs, and expenses on behalf of themselves, the Plaintiff Class, and the Plaintiff Subclasses.”

Diving into specifics, the filing has some examples of Apple’s alleged violations. One of them is how employees are forced to work 5 hours straight without a meal break, and another complaint was how Apple took several weeks to send out cheques to multiple employees. The lawsuit is asking for compensatory damages and restitution of all monies to the affected employees, along with interest.

Apple has yet to comment on the lawsuit, but if you’d like to read the filing in its entirety, check out the embedded document below for the details.

Felczer – Fourth Amended Complaint

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