xbox-one-xbox-live-accountsGiven that our consoles these days are more than capable of just playing video games, and can provide other forms of entertainment such as videos (via Netflix and Hulu, just to name some examples), we guess some of you guys can’t be too happy that you have to pay for an Xbox Live Gold subscription in order to access some of these features.

Well the good news is that it is possible that this requirement could soon be removed, according to the folks at Arstechnia. They claim that their sources have informed them that Microsoft is planning on removing the requirement for an Xbox Live Gold subscription in order to view videos on Hulu or Netflix and other streaming media apps.

While this is good news for the average gamer, this might also be bad news for those who did pay for the subscription, since this would essentially take away some exclusive features that they used to be privy to. Arstechnica’s sources have told them that Microsoft will instead replace those services with something else instead, in order to make up for it.

No word on when this will be made official, but given that we’re about a month away from E3 2014, perhaps Microsoft will reveal more then. We should note that you should take this with a grain of salt for now, since it could be subject to change ahead of Microsoft’s E3 announcement, which is pegged for the 9th of June, but do check back with us then for the details. In the meantime who else is happy about these possible changes?

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