
Most people are so engrossed in their daily lives that they don’t really pay that much attention to their posture. This is particularly visible in the office or even when you’re slacking on the couch. There are countless benefits of maintaining a good posture but what if you’re not exactly sure of what constitutes a “good” posture? The UpRight wearable device is here to help.

UpRight is a small wearable device that aims to improve posture. It uses multiple sensors and advanced algorithms to present users with “unparalleled accuracy.” The unit beams information to a mobile app which will tell users all they need to know about the perfect posture.

Now if you like to keep track of where the wearable device market is heading, it’ll probably click to you that this isn’t a new concept. It certainly isn’t. We’ve previously covered the Lumo Lift, which is a similar wearable device that can be attached to clothing.

UpRight does things a little differently. The unit is placed on the lower back with a gentle hypoallergenic adhesive, which the company claims ensures greater accuracy and real-time notification of bad posture through a gentle vibration.

The startup is seeking to raise $70,000 through an Indiegogo campaign to fund the development of UpRight. The campaign runs through July 17th, 2014.

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