nokia-xl-hands-on-08The Nokia X2 was spotted on benchmarks the other day. The device is said to be the successor to the Nokia X Android handset that was announced earlier this year. Now presumably given that the Nokia X ran on Android, the Nokia X2 will too, or will it? According to a tweet by Michael Faro-Tusino, the senior editor at MyNokiaBlog and UnleashThePhones, it seems that the Nokia X2 could be a dual-booting smartphone.

What this means is that users can expect the phone to run both Android and Windows Phone at the same time. In fact the X2 is said to have Google Play Services installed on it, which is weird considering that the original Nokia X did not and ran a forked version of Android, much like Amazon’s Kindle Fire series of Android tablets.

It should be noted that Faro-Tusino posted an image from a Secret post, and last time we saw a post from Secret, it turned out to be a hoax, so there is a good chance that this is too, but at the same time we reckon it could be interesting enough for our readers to check out. Now on one hand given that Microsoft now owns Nokia, it would make sense that they would prefer Nokia to churn out Windows Phone devices.

At the same time, we’re sure Microsoft cannot deny the juggernaut that is Android, so by having a phone that dual-boots both Windows Phone and Android does seem like a win-win situation, right? We also expect Google can’t be too happy about this. In the past we have seen devices that never made it to the market because Google had pressured OEMs not to release them. Either way take it with a huge grains of salt for now, but how do you guys feel about an Android/Windows Phone dual-booting handset from Nokia?

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