tonefone_2There are a lot of things we could be doing with our lives if we weren’t continuously playing with our phones, texting, checking on social media, tweeting, and so on. We could be doing things like spending time with our families, hanging out with friends, or hitting the gym to lose weight. Well if the latter is something that’s on your resolution list, perhaps the ToneFone might be an iPhone case worth checking out.

So what is the ToneFone, you ask? And how will it make you lose weight? Well according to its creators, the ToneFone is apparently the world’s heaviest iPhone case. In an industry where manufacturers try to make their cases as light and unintrusive as possible, ToneFone has gone the other way around and made their case weigh either 1kg or 1.5kg, depending on which weight you’d prefer.

Basically the idea is that if we’re going to be playing with our phones all day, why not add some resistance to it and turn it into a workout, right? After all we’re sure that if you were to spend all day holding that 1-1.5kg weight, you would eventually get stronger, or at least that’s the general idea.

Now the funny thing is that we’re not in April yet so it does seem a little early for an April Fools joke, but it turns out that the ToneFone is an actual product. It’s priced at £22.90 and like we said, will come in either 1kg or 1.5kg options. At the moment the ToneFone will play nicely with the iPhone 5s or the iPhone 5 and if you’d like to learn more, hit up DesirableBody’s website for the details!

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