delta-upgrade-lumiasIt seems that Delta Air Lines has decided it is time for the old to go, and the new (relatively speaking, of course) to arrive. We are referring to the airline making the move to upgrade their bunch of Nokia Lumia 820 smartphones to that of the newer Nokia Lumia 1520 devices. At point of publishing, existing flight attendants make use of the Nokia Lumia 820 in order to take down in-flight food orders, although the bigger sized Lumia 1520 would come in handy as there is more visual area to look at, in addition to allowing the flight attendants to begin selling seat upgrades on the flight itself.

The mobile devices that Delta Air Lines users are hooked up to Ku-band satellite Internet that is provided by Gogo Inc. There will be a secure Wi-Fi network that ought to provide added peace of mind for those who are performing credit card payments at cruising altitude thanks to a phone attachment, and it can also be checked in real-time now instead of after a particular flight touches down. Delta Air Lines made the jump to a Microsoft-based solution 18 months back. Do you think that the Lumia 1520 is going to last Delta Air Lines for a fair number of years?

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  • 1920x1080
  • 367 PPI
20 MP
  • f/ Aperture
3400 mAh
    2GB RAM
    • Snapdragon 800
    • MicroSD
    ~$449 - Amazon
    209 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 16