iphone_5s_5cApple’s first ever iPhone was launched in 2007 about seven years ago, leading to the creation of one of the most iconic smartphones to date, despite what its critics and detractors have to say about it. We also know that the iPhone has managed to outsell its previous generation with every new release, but how many iPhones has Apple sold to date?

Well according to reports, Apple has managed to sell 472 million iPhones since its launch in 2007 to the end of 2013, and with estimates of over 38 million units sold in the current quarter, many have started to celebrate Apple’s crossing of the 500 million mark in terms of iPhones sold.

According to Forbes, “The consensus would have placed the milestone sale around March 8 given that entering the quarter Apple had sold 472 million iPhones. So even if it proves a bit high as it did last quarter, we’ve crossed the point where it’s safe to assume that Apple has sold 500 million smartphones in less than 7 years. And the most recent 100 million took somewhere between 2-6 weeks less than the previous 100 million did.”

Apple has been known to celebrate milestones, like celebrating 50 billion apps downloaded in which they gave out a $10,000 iTunes gift card to the person who downloaded the 50 billionth app. They’ve also celebrated the Mac’s 30th Anniversary, which is why some have found it a little odd that Apple has been quiet about its iPhone sales.

Perhaps Apple only plans to celebrate it after the current quarter has closed and the official numbers have been released, but either way it is most definitely a significant milestone achieved by Apple, not to mention a pretty telling look at the increase in smartphone consumption over the years. So, what do you guys think? Anyone impressed by the 500 million mark?

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