TBELLIf you’re not the type of person who wants to find parking, get down from their car, and stand in line to place their order at a fast food outlet like Taco Bell, we guess the drive-thru is a good alternative, at least until recently where Taco Bell has announced that they are currently in the process of testing an app that will allow customers to place their order and make their payment before even leaving the house, allowing them to cut out a good chunk of the ordering process and just head on over to their nearby Taco Bell to pick up their order.

Speaking to the LA Times, Taco Bell’s mobile lead, Jeff Jenkins, said, “With the popularity of millennials and smart phones, we saw this [mobile ordering] coming, and decided to build the ground work a couple of years ago for mobile […] Mobile is going to be the biggest sort of innovator, shake-up in the quick service industry since the drive-thru.” Once the order has been placed, customers can choose where they want to pick up their order and based on their phone’s GPS, the food will only start cooking once it has detected that you are near. From there customers can also choose if they’d rather pickup their order in-store or via the drive-thru, depending on which queue is shorter.

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