SAMSUNG CSC[CES 2014] We’ve seen accessories and gadgets in the past that have been designed to improve the abilities of athletes in their sports, such as golf and basketball, just to name a few, and for the avid tennis player, Sony has something in store for you with the prototype tennis sensor that the company had recently unveiled at CES 2014 during their live press event. For those wondering what it is, it’s basically a small sensor that attaches to the base of the tennis racket which then pairs with a device via Bluetooth.

Through the sensor, it will be able to pick up a variety of information, such as to the type of swing that you’re performing, how hard you’re hitting the ball, and will also be able to tell where on the racket the ball is hitting, so tennis players will be able to get an idea of which part of their play style that they might need to work on. The information picked up by the sensor will then be relayed to a nearby device, whether it be a tablet or a smartphone through Bluetooth in which the player can then review their game.

It sounds like a fun device but unfortunately according to Sony, this is a prototype at the moment and exists more as a proof-of-concept rather than an actual product that you can go out and purchase, but who knows, if the demand is there, perhaps Sony might make it a reality.

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