
Pinterest has actually become quite popular over the years, moreover its been actively offering new features to users to keep them onboard. Just recently it launched a new recipe search engine, allowing users to search thousands of recipe pins from public boards, which means that they’ll never run out of dishes to try out. Today, the much awaited Pinterest GIF support has finally been added. They can be played and paused within pinboards, making Pinterest’s statement that it now supports GIFs “in all their animated glory,” very true.

Pinterest says that already there are “tens of millions of GIF pins” on the network, so users have plenty to choose from. It has also revealed that as many as a million people are exposed to GIFs on Pinterest every day, so its only logical to add support for them. Up till now, GIFs were only displayed as still images, users had to click on the image to be taken outside Pinterest just to play the GIF. There’s just one little caveat. For now, users can now play GIFs on the web, but Pinterest says that the support will be extended to the mobile apps very soon. It hasn’t provided a concrete timeframe though.

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