Have you ever heard of Beluvv before? They happen to be the company that developed the wearable device known as Guardian which ensures that your kid does not wander too far away from where you are. Well, they are now back with another product which they have called “Puppy”, which happens to be the first wearable device in the world that will target your pet instead of your child (who in some circumstances can be considered to be your furkid), hoping to keep your furry little friend safe and sound while letting them run around freely.

Puppy, as you can watch in the YouTube video above, will be able to proactively track your pets before they end up as missing. This is made possible thanks to a tiny, BLE-enabled pet collar pouch which will play nice with a smartphone app that allows you to keep track of your pets’ movements and distance, where it will prevent them from wandering too far off whenever they decide to spend some time outside for a walk or a run. After all, you can never quite tell just when Fido is curious enough to follow a particular trail, when it is actually being baited by others who have nefarious thoughts lined up against it. [Press Release]

Filed in Gadgets..