It goes without saying that one must be cautious when buying things online, particularly from websites such as Craigslist and eBay. It is very easy to get scammed, or worse, even killed. 19 year old Peter Clatworthy, based in Nottingham, UK, searched eBay for the Xbox One Day One edition that he wanted to purchase as a gift for his four year old son. Clatworthy had been saving up his pounds to purchase Microsoft’s latest gaming console, however he didn’t end up with the console he wanted so badly. After paying £450 or roughly $730 and expecting to receive the console, he ended up with a photo of the Xbox One.
The eBay listing clearly stated that the product was a photo of an Xbox One, however Clatworthy decided to go ahead with the purchase as the listing was in the video games and consoles category. He thought that since the listing was in this particular category, it just might be a legitimate Xbox One Day One edition console. Furthermore, he looked at the seller’s feedback and didn’t find any negative reviews, which gave him all the more reasons to continue with the purchase. He did, but when the package arrive, it was a lot smaller and flatter than he would have imagined. Inside, there was a badly printed picture of an Xbox One with the words “Thank you for your purchase” on the back. A spokesman for eBay tells the Nottingham post that they will take action against the seller as they “don’t allow listings which mislead.” Clatworthy is covered by eBay’s money back guarantee and since he paid via PayPal, he can expect a full refund. The seller has until Monday to refund the full payment.
Update: According to a new report by Nottingham Post, not only has Clatworthy received a full refund from eBay via PayPal, UK retailer CeX has also hooked him up with a free Xbox One. Talk about luck!
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