desert-strikeDo you remember Desert Strike? That was a fun game while it was around all those years ago. Well, the good times might roll back, as we have discovered that EA has already registered trademarks for Desert Strike. Of course, it goes without saying that trademark registrations are not 100% confirmation that a project is in tow, but one can always hope, can’t they? EA’s most recent filing of two applications with the US Patent and Trademark Office do raise such hopes that we could see a reboot of Desert Strike coming our way – in Full HD graphics too, hopefully.

The two registrations happen to be a service mark and a trade mark, and the two of them refer just to “Desert Strike”. Before we continue, here is a little background information on what Desert Strike was – in the early 1990s, that game arrived in the form of an isometric helicopter shoot ’em up that rolled out on the Sega Mega Drive, SNES and Commodore Amiga. You played the role of an Apache helicopter pilot in the middle of the Gulf War, where your missions included the capture of enemies, hostage rescue situations, and even protecting the President of the United States. Sounds like perfect fodder for a 21st century game, no?

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