xboxone_colorwareThe Xbox One was launched in a black finish, although lucky Microsoft employees managed to get their hands on a white version, and let’s not forget the gold plated Xbox One that has been making its rounds as well. Well if you’re looking to get an Xbox One but in a different color that isn’t black, you might be interested to learn that ColorWare has announced that they have launched their line of Xbox One units which will be painted in a variety of different colors that will not be of the black variety. For those who do not own the Xbox One, ColorWare is selling their customized version of the console for $749 including the Kinect. Granted this is more than what retailers have priced the Xbox One for, but we guess that’s the price you have to pay if you to be a little different.

Alternatively Xbox One console owners can send in their own unit for ColorWare to customize which will cost them $249, but unfortunately this customization does not cover the controller, meaning that your controllers might be a little mismatched compared to the console. ColorWare is not new to the customization scene, in fact we have seen them offer different customizations for smartphones like the iPhone, or computers, like the Alienware M15X, and even headphones! If you’d like to learn more, hit up ColorWare’s website for the details.

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