LUMIA1820Remember that day we reported on a list of Nokia codenames that had been leaked? Well according to new rumors, at least some of the devices might turn out to be true and they might be the Nokia Lumia 1820 (alleged render pictured above) and the Nokia Lumia 2020, although at this point in time we’re not sure what codenames these devices correspond with. This is according to the folks at NokiaPowerUser who claim to have gotten a tip on the upcoming devices, with the Lumia 1820 reportedly featuring a metal unibody (could this be the Spinel?) with a Lytro-like camera, while the Lumia 2020 is an 8” tablet that will trump the Lumia 2520 that was announced not too long ago.

According to them, the “Lumia 2020 will be the name of Nokia’s rumored 8-inch Tablet. This Tablet will run on Snapdragon 800 and will have a 1080p resolution display. It will be faster and have higher PPI display than Lumia 2520 and will come with stylus support. This Tablet and Nokia’s next imaging flagship Lumia 1820 with metal unibody and Lytro-style camera will be unveiled during MWC in 2014.” In any case take it with a grain of salt for now, but if the Lytro-like camera on the Lumia 1820 is true, it could be a pretty interesting device to look forward to. We will be live at MWC 2014 so be sure to check back with us then for the details!

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