google-maps-embedWhen researching reviews on a particular restaurant or shop, or when looking for hotels to stay overseas, typically these websites will have Google Maps (or Bing Maps) embedded there which allows visitors to get a better idea of where the establishment is located. However the look and feel of these embedded maps are considered to be somewhat outdated, especially compared to the new look of Google Maps available from its website. Well the good news is that Google has announced that they will be rolling out a new Google Maps embed that webmasters will be able to embed into their websites in the future.

Unlike the older Google Maps, these new maps will take advantage of several of the new features Google has implemented since then. This includes the ability to sign into those maps where you will be able to see saved places, perhaps use that as a gauge to determine how far a certain place is from your home, and users will also be able to save those locations and view it from their mobile device as well. As it stands the new Google Maps is still in preview mode but Google expects to begin rolling it out on a wider scale in the upcoming weeks.

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