
We’ve yet to hear from Google about the launch event of Nexus 5 and Android 4.4 KitKat. Obviously the primary event is going to take place here in the U.S., probably in California, but it appears that there’s a separate press conference planned in Tel-Aviv, Israel on November 5th. It is not immediately evident if Google is going to take part in this press conference, but LG appears to be involved. The invites show off a generic looking smartphone with a KitKat bar stuffed in it, its most likely a hint of what to expect from the press conference.

It may simply be a regional announcement of Google’s brand new smartphone built in collaboration with LG, and the internet search giant’s latest update to its mobile platform. Ronlight Digital, a distributor of LG products in Israel, confirms that the press conference is related to Android 4.4. So there’s really no guess work involved here, with regards to what can be expected from the press conference. Though it does point towards the possibility of an official announcement coming from Google prior to November 5th. Just recently it was rumored that the Nexus 5 will be announced on November 1st, Android 4.4 is going to be announced alongside the smartphone. [Image via Gadgety]

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