Earlier this year LG announced the LG Optimus G Pro and is seems that LG could be working on a dual-SIM version of the handset which could be known as the LG G Pro Lite Dual, whose name we feel could have been much shorter. While the specifications of the device remain unknown, it is expected to be a slightly less powerful version compared to the original LG Optimus G Pro, hence the “lite” moniker. It is expected to support dual-SIMs, and according to the folks at Hi-Tech.Mail.Ru, the phone could also come with a stylus which would play nicely with the phone’s alleged 5.5” display.
We’re not sure if this device was created to compete with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, although if it were, its specs would not be a fair comparison, although it could be a cheaper alternative for those who want a large smartphone with stylus support. No word on pricing but the LG G Pro Lite Dual is rumored for a release this October and will be released in Russia, but no word on whether it will be a Russian-exclusive, or if it will eventually see a release in other parts of the world, but at the same time we expect there are other devices other there that could serve as a decent alternative.
Filed in LG.
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