We know how important your messages with your wife, husband or significant other is, especially when they involve such important things as deciding what to do about dinner as well as reminding them to pick up milk on the way home. Keeping them personal and private is also extremely important, which is why BitTorrent is announcing its latest instant messing service called BitTorrent Chat.
BitTorrent Chat will rely on the BitTorrent protocol to deliver messages through an encrypted peer-to-peer network, making servers designated towards keeping chats flowing a thing of the past. In other words, your personal chats won’t be stored on third-party servers similar to what both Facebook and Google currently do.
As of now, BitTorrent Chat is in its pre-alpha stage, which means it isn’t ready for primetime just yet. BitTorrent does give users who are interested in its instant messaging service to sign up to their mailing list to receive notifications about when it’ll be available to try out for yourself. Hopefully when you do get your hands on BitTorrent Chat, you’ll have more meaningful chats with whoever that are important enough to use a peer-to-peer network, and no – debating the ending of Breaking Bad doesn’t count.
Filed in Bittorrent and Instant Messaging.
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