alienware-tradeinAh, the eternal debate of which particular gaming platform is better – the PC or the console? There are always pros and cons to each situation, and we know for sure that die hard fans on each side are not willing to give up an inch even until today, although we have also seen a far more inclusive gaming community over the years, where folks own multiple consoles as well as get some gaming time on their desktops, too. Alienware intends to sway those who might want to give the PC gaming scene a try, by offering a $200 cash back with every console trade and gaming PC purchase.

This offer is good only for current-generation video game consoles, so you can forget about purchasing a cheap NES off eBay and use it to your advantage. Basically, as long as you pick up an Alienware gaming system, you are able to log into the trade-in portal in order to enter data from the purchase receipt and print a pre-paid shipping label for an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 console. Once the system has been accepted, followed by some functionality testing to make sure the console is in fine working order, you will receive the $200 via bank transfer within 40 days. Starting price for Alienware systems before the trade-in offering start from $699. Have you ever wondered what would happen to all of those consoles that are traded in?

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