virtuix-omniThe Oculus Rift virtual reality headset has been designed to provide gamers with a more immersive experience, and while vision is one thing, what if it were to be combined with movement as well? Wouldn’t that be even more immersive? That’s pretty much what Virtuix’s Omni treadmill is hoping to do by providing gamers with a device that they can use to simulate walking around freely in an environment, but keeping it rooted to the same spot for space saving.

We’ve seen the device used in games like Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft, and the good news is that if you thought that was way too cool, the Omni treadmill is now up for pre-order after a successful Kickstarter funding campaign. For a somewhat reasonable price of $499, gamers will be getting themselves the platform, shoes, a belt to hold you in place, along with the necessary tracking hardware and software, so if this sounds like something you could get on board with, hit up Virtuix’s website for the details.

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