steve-jobs-john-scullySay what you will about Apple and its late co-founder Steve Jobs, but many in the industry and public have regarded Jobs as being an innovator, someone that CEOs should aspire to be. In any case while that is certainly up for debate, over in South Korea it seems that they do hold the belief that Steve Jobs is someone that we can learn from and have launched a “Korean Steve Jobs” project. It sounds a bit weird but according to the project, it is meant to help foster creativity and passion, qualities that Jobs definitely had, into young students who are studying software development.

According to Yoon Jong-rok, the vice minister of Science, ICT & Future Planning, “To help students make the best use of software, the language of the 21st century, we will implement various education policies. If we make efforts to turn children crazy about games into game developers, we will be able to produce creative and talented people armed with SW like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.” We’re not sure how effective this program will be, but we guess it’s still a good thing that the government is taking an interest in fostering their younger generation’s education and talent.

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