Both Metaio and Audi have worked together to deliver something which will definitely appeal to modern day drivers who want nothing but the most up to date technology around them – an interactive augmented reality manual, now how about that? Metaio happens to be a world leader in augmented reality (AR) software and solutions, while Audi – ‘nuff said. Both of them has just announced the release of the Audi A3 eKurzinfo augmented reality mobile application, which is available as a free download on iOS devices, so owning an iPhone or an iPad would be compulsory.

This is not the first time the Audi eKurzinfo app has appeared, as it did make its way for the Audi A1 before which happened to be one of the nominees for the 2013 GSMA Global Mobile Awards for Best Mobile Solution for the Automotive Industry. Seeing such success, Audi AG decided to make it available to the spanking new Audi A3, where this app can recognize more than 300 individual elements of the Audi A3, ranging from the insignia on the windshield wipers and entertainment system to actual engine components that are located under the hood, delivering relevant how-to information as well as virtual overlays of maintenance instructions that are animated in real-time 3D. You need not worry about app updates, since Metaio’s cloud-based architecture will push all the latest digital information directly to your device. [Press Release]

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