
Apple has been making a number of improvements to its Maps iOS application, but ultimately, the service has yet to become as popular as competing services, such as Google Maps. Misinformation and inaccuracies seem to be some of the big issues plaguing Apple’s Maps, but if you’re someone who relies on public transportation, the service has been completely useless to you up until this point. That is until Apple acquired Embark, who just so happens to have developed a public transit application in the past.

The Embark app contained public transportation information for a number of popular cities, such as the New York City subways and BART in San Francisco. After the news has been released of Apple’s acquisition of Embark, the application is still available on iOS, although on the other side of the spectrum, its Android app is no longer available.

Hopefully the acquisition of Embark will give Apple’s Maps the confidence boost it needs as the application still doesn’t have built-in public transportation support, instead suggesting some of the more popular apps that include that information. We’re sure many of you iOS owners have counted out Apple’s Maps at this point, but who knows what the company is cooking up now that they’ve acquired Embark.

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