
There’s no denying the fact that the global smartphone market is captured by the duopoly of Samsung and Apple. The former releases a handful of devices each year, from low-end entry level smartphones to big phablets such as the Mega 6.3. Apple on the other hand releases one iPhone each year, and continues to sell the previous generation models at a lower price. TrendForce, a market research firm, estimates that in Q2 2013, iPhone sales were left far behind by Samsung smartphone. Apple sold an estimated 27 million iPhones in this period, whereas Samsung is estimated to have sold a staggering 71 million units in just one quarter.

There’s obviously no doubt in the fact that Galaxy S4 contributed substantially to this number, it has become the fastest selling Android smartphone of all time, with TrendForce predicting some 23 million units being moved in Q2. According to the firm’s data, Apple’s share in the global market has fallen to 12.1 percent amounting to a 30 percent sequential decline. The number is expected to go even lower, considering that the next generation iPhone isn’t expected to be released until October. Apple will report its official iPhone sales numbers later today.

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