MangaCamera-Paper-Artisit-Samsung-Windows-Phone-620x524One of the ways Windows Phone manufacturers separate themselves from the rest of the herd is by offering up exclusive apps which are only available for a particular manufacturer’s device. Given that Windows Phone hardware is pretty much the same across the board, with some minor differences and features, like Nokia focusing on camera specs, or a different design, it can be hard to choose a brand to go with. Well the good news for Samsung fans is that if you were looking for a reason to get a Samsung Windows Phone handset, like the ATIV S or the ATIV S Neo, Samsung has released two exclusive apps: MangaCamera and Paper Artist.

Granted these aren’t exactly deal-breakers or deal-makers, they might be appreciated by Samsung users who might otherwise feel that the South Korean company might be focusing on its Android efforts and neglecting its Windows Phone division. The apps are photo-related and with MangaCamera, it basically gives your photos a cartoon-like effect (pictured above to the left), while Paper Artist will allow effects to be added to photos, like a watercolor-type effect as pictured above to the right. Hopefully there will be more to follow in the future, but for now Samsung owners should be pretty pleased with this.

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