nightskyIn this day and age, it is an extremely common saying, “There’s an app for that”, considering the number of folks who bring their smartphones around with them. Well, you should be able to find an app for just about anything and everything, including stargazers and those who love astronomy. The Night Sky app did experience a cool 5 million downloads to date, and in the name of progress, a sequel to the app which is aptly known as Night Sky 2 is set to be launched this August 1st, where it will be available as an iOS exclusive.

The stargazing app known as Night Sky 2 will feature a stunning new user experience, where it will boast of original artwork constellations in addition to a bunch of other new features which will hopefully be able to inspire the hidden astronomer in you. Sporting extremely smooth sky tracking capability and a set of revolutionary ‘Night Sky Live’ features, your stargazing experience will be enhanced each time you point your iOS device towards the sky. Hopefully this app will be able to achieve greater success compared to its predecessor.

Filed in Cellphones..