leapmotionAt long last, folks around the world are able to check out Leap Motion for themselves, where this happens to be a crown jewel release by the motion-control software and hardware company, where they intend to change the way human-computer interaction works out. The software has been launched today, letting folks control their computer using nothing but natural hand and finger movements. Apart from that, they also opened up Airspace, which is a discovery platform for folks to purchase, download and launch apps that were specially developed for Leap Motion’s 3D interaction.

We do know that the number of people who placed a pre-order for the $79.99 Leap Motion Controller stood at hundreds of thousands, and shipping commenced last week. As for the Airspace Store, it currently has more than 75 applications that were built by developers from over 20 countries, making it quite the potpourri of developers, don’t you think so? These apps range from free to paid across a slew of categories, and you can be sure that as the Leap Motion developer community grows, so too, will the Airspace Store in due time.

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