
It has only been a couple of days since Video on Instagram was announced. As rumored, Facebook announced its Vine competitor. What sets it apart from Twitter’s offering is that while the former allows users to upload six second clips, the latter accepts 15 second clips and also let users apply filters to them. If people were skeptical about user interest in the short video niche, these stats should make them reconsider. According to CNET, a spokesperson has confirmed to them that Video on Instagram saw five million short clips being uploaded in the first day alone.

It is also said that so many videos were uploaded in the first hour alone that it would take one year to watch all of the. During the first day, users uploaded as much as 40 hours of video per minute. By the looks of it a big majority of Instagram users have initially embraced the service, though it remains to be seen if they stick around or if this is just the “honeymoon period.” The launch wasn’t exactly off to a good start, with scores of users complaining that the iOS and Android apps were unable to publish their short video clips. Some reported that apps were holding videos in a “processing” state for hours. Will Video on Instagram be able to put a dent in Vine’s user base? Time will tell.

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