pandora-publish-to-facebookMusic-streaming services like Spotify and Rhapsody have made it easy to share what you’re listening to with your friends as they have supported Facebook’s Open Graph early on. One of the most popular music-streaming service, Pandora, is announcing its users are now able to also share their musical tastes to their Facebook friends.

The feature isn’t available to Pandora users by default, so you’ll need to enable the feature through or Pandora’s iOS and Android applications through a new “Publish” button located in your account’s settings. Pandora users can control what exactly they’d like to share with their Facebook friends as CTO Tom Conrad points out in a blog post, “You can customize what you share, including your listening activity, the tracks and artists you like, or the people you follow on Pandora.” This will definitely help for those guilty pleasure tracks you would rather your Facebook friends not know about.

The new feature should now be available for you to activate, so feel free to share with your Facebook friends and the world just how much you love a good Selena Gomez track.

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