Converse shoes are pretty much as classic as they get, but what if there was a way to bling them and make them a little more relevant in today’s technology-centric society? Well if you’re interested in jazzing up your pair of Converse shoes, the folks at Adafruit have put up a tutorial on how you will be able to take the Converse logo on the shoes and light them up! What this modification will do is that this will take a rather ordinary pair of Converse All-Stars shoes and turn them into a unique fashion item, which we guess could also be called wearable technology. Ironically this concept kind of reminds us of the good old days in the 90s where light up shoes, such as the L.A. Lights by L.A. Gear were all the rage! In any case if you’d like to learn how to spice up those pair of plain Converse shoes, head on over to Adafruit’s website for the details, or you can check out the video above to see the light up shoes in action.

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