Just last week, Samsung announced it is partnering with Best Buy to inject smaller shops inside of their stores to help educate shoppers of Samsung’s products, although at this point, we’re pretty sure you’re very familiar with the company and their offerings in the tech space. It looks as though Samsung wasted no time getting them set up as the company announced their stores inside of Best Buy will be opening as soon as April 8.
The Samsung mini-stores will showcase and demonstrate its line of consumer products that include smartphones, tablets and televisions. A total of 500 Samsung Experience shops will take approximately 460 square feet of select Best Buy retail stores. These stores will be staffed by Samsung employees who will be promoting the upcoming Galaxy S4. Samsung plans for a total of 1,000 Experience shops to be opened in Best Buy stores by June.
The move will certainly put Samsung in a better spot to sell its smartphones when compared to Apple as Samsung Mobile U.S.’s vice president of retail marketing Ketrina Dunagan says “about 70 percent of U.S. population is within 10 miles of a Best Buy.” Considering Apple currently has over 400 of its stores available worldwide, 1,000 Samsung Experience shops within 10 miles of 70 percent of the U.S. population will make it that much easier to pick up a Galaxy S4 when it’s released.