ps4launchlineupSony knows that they are going to do all that they possibly can to make sure that their next generation console, the PlayStation 4, will be the top dog among next generation consoles. So far, the Wii U has taken a totally different path yet again, so the closest competitor to the PlayStation 4 would most probably be the upcoming Xbox (which looks set to be announced later this May 21st by the way) in terms of hardware. If you have a PS3 at the moment, do not see the PlayStation 4 as an upgrade, but rather, as a new addition to the console family in your living room. After all, with the PlayStation 4 priced to move, we do hope to see a more competitive console scene eventually.

What is more interesting is the fact that the PlayStation 4’s lead system architect Mark Cerny revealed recently that this console will feature the strongest launch lineup to date where PlayStation history is concerned. Cerny said, “The launch lineup for PlayStation 4 — though I unfortunately can’t give the title count — is going to be stronger than any prior PlayStation hardware. And that’s a result of that familiarity.” Pretty bold to say that so early in the game, don’t you think so? Still, if Sony can fulfill it, it would definitely be worth checking out.

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