
Mozilla CEO Gary Kovacs was present at the D: Dive Into Mobile conference today and he revealed that Firefox OS is going to be launched in five countries this summer. Initially being called Boot to Gecko project, Firefox OS is Mozilla’s contribution to the mobile OS market. It has been designed for low-end devices. This OS is based on HTML5 and JavaScript. Mozilla’s decision to launch their new OS in these markets is good, considering that low-end devices might gain better traction there.

The Firefox OS will be launched in Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Venezuela this Summer. AT MWC, where they showed off a sample of Dreamfone running Firefox OS, the company announced its partnerships for this OS with various manufacturers. Alcatel, ZTE and LG have committed to manufacture low-end smartphones that are based on this OS. Carriers such as Telefonica in Europe and Etisalat, Smart, Sprint, Telecom Italia and Telenor have also committed their support. There are some who believe that the market has no place for another operating system, the low-end is already being catered to by Windows Phone and BlackBerry. It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out for Mozilla’s ambitious mobile plans.

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