Netflix wants your brains to think of innovative solutions on their behalf, and of course, for all your hard work and enterprising spirit, you will be rewarded financially. In fact, Netflix, the streaming video industry behemoth, has put up a $100,000 bounty that is spread across 10 prizes for cloud computing solutions, and winners will be honored at the Amazon Web Services Re:Invent conference that is happening later this November.
Known as the Netflix Cloud Prize, it intends to challenge “developers around the world to do their very best to improve the features, usability, quality, reliability and security of computing resources delivered as a service over the Internet.” There will be 10 categories to “fight for”, so to speak, where they will be judged by a panel of experts including CTO Werner Vogels, Thoughtworks Chief Scientist Martin Fowler, Strategist Simon Wardley, Telx SVP Joe Weinman, University of Aarhus Developer Training Expert Aino Corry and Netflix Cloud V. If you look at it, this is a great way for Netflix to gain an upper hand over its competition and consolidate its position at the top, considering $100,000 would be a drop in the ocean if the improvements could help them reap millions of dollars down the road with high tech innovative cloud solutions. [Press Release]
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