GIFs are very popular on the internet. They have been around for over two decades and don’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon. They’re short and often hilarious animations used by an insane amount of people. Many actually have their own GIF collection that they’re very proud of. Google announced today that it has now added the Animated filter in image search. This will allow users to filter image search results for GIFs. Its simple, but very useful indeed.
They’ve also added another filter that allows users to search for clipart with transparent background. This will also prove to be quite useful, all users have to do when searching for clipart is to select the Transparent filter from the Any color dropdown box. These new filters greatly improve the search experience for GIFs and background free cliparts. Google has just made the announcement right now, the filters have yet to be rolled out in image search. Though I hardly suspect that it will take a lot of time. So how many of you are going to substantially increase your GIF collection once these filters roll out?
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