Regardless of Apple’s attempt to “warn” its iOS users the danger of jailbreaking their devices, it looks as though millions of people flocked to evad3rs’ recently released evasi0n jailbreak software, which finally offered an untethered jailbreak for all iOS 6 devices.
According to Cydia’s Jay Freeman, it looks as though close to seven million iOS users installed evasi0n on their devices within four days of the jailbreak software’s release. To be exact, 5.15 million iPhones, 1.35 million iPads and 400,000 iPod touches accessed Freeman’s famous jailbreak app store, Cydia. Those numbers, of course, could just be the tip of the iceberg as it isn’t guaranteed all jailbroken iOS device owners would make a beeline to the Cydia store after the jailbreak process is complete, although there’s a pretty good chance they have.
When compared to previous iOS jailbreak software, Freeman says evasi0n has brought Cydia “insanely more new traffic” than previously released jailbreak software including Absinthe and Jailbreakme3, the latter only unlocking 1.4 million iOS devices within the first nine days of its release. Freeman credits the popularity of evasi0n to users’ anticipation for its release as it took a total of 136 days to jailbreak iOS 6.1. To compare with previous releases, it took 14 days to jailbreak the iPhone 3GS, 38 days for the iPhone 4 and 98 days for the iPhone 4S.
Filed in Cydia, iOS, Ios 6, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Jailbreak.
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