We’re sure that many of you dread the thought of your Facebook account being hacked, especially those who keep their profiles extra guarded and only viewable to close friends or family. In any case it seems that Facebook has recently admitted that they were hacked, and this was actually brought about when some of their staff unknowingly installed malware on their laptops. While the attack is said to have been sophisticated, you might want to breathe a sigh of relief because according to Facebook, while an attack did occur, they claim that no user data was compromised. In a statement released by the company:

Last month, Facebook Security discovered that our systems had been targeted in a sophisticated attack. This attack occurred when a handful of employees visited a mobile developer website that was compromised. The compromised website hosted an exploit which then allowed malware to be installed on these employee laptops. The laptops were fully-patched and running up-to-date anti-virus software. As soon as we discovered the presence of the malware, we remediated all infected machines, informed law enforcement, and began a significant investigation that continues to this day.

In any case we can only take their word for it, but Facebook is said to be currently working with law enforcement agencies and other organizations who have been thought to have been attacked via the same exploit.

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