Last year we reported on a rumor that Canon could be unveiling the EOS 70D this year along with other cameras. Now the good news is that for fans of Canon’s mid-ranged DSLRs like the 50D and 60D is that it looks like the 70D is a possibility, and this was admitted by Canon’s Managing Director and Chief Executive, Masaya Maeda in an interview. When asked whether customers could look forward to a 70D camera in the future, Maeda answered in the positive, claiming that “someday in the future. Without fail.” Given that the rumor last year pegged the 70D’s release for 2013, hopefully that future will not be too far off. Unfortunately the specs of the 70D remain unknown at this point in time, but it is possible that the 70D might come with a full frame sensor instead of the APS-C found on the 60D. Maeda revealed that he does not believe that larger sensors are necessarily the way to go, such as the likes of the Sony RX100. That combined with the fact that full frame cameras like the 6D are starting to become slightly more affordable, a full frame 70D might not be completely out of the question – but what do you guys think?