The best things in life are free. So Skype is announcing a nifty update today to its Skype Click to Call feature. Skype has just launched version 6.5 for Skype Click to Call on Windows, and version 2.4 for Skype Click to Call on Mac. The update for the aforementioned platforms now lets users find free phone calls easier and faster. Skype does this by highlighting numbers that are free with the color magenta.

As you see in the photo above, the number (650) 323-5555 now has a “FREE” caption beside it, hence, making it easy for users to spot free calls. It’s a minor update that’s really useful, especially when you don’t have time to kill. The update also lets Firefox 18 and Chrome 23 browsers support the Click to Call feature. Skype is also making the feature compatible with Microsoft’s latest OS, Windows 8. And of course, expect the customary performance and stability improvements. Download Click to Call now here.

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