NVIDIA logoNVIDIA certainly did impress the masses with their Project Shield when it was first announced at CES earlier this month, and we do know that the company has a fair amount of interest in breaking into the smartphone as well as tablet markets with their range of Tegra chipsets for some time already, achieving rather limited success along the way. Having said that, it seems that NVIDIA has a more concrete and concerted plan for this coming year, by churning out smartphones and tablets on its own.

Thing is, you will most probably not find an NVIDIA-branded smartphone or tablet, but rather, they will come up with the reference designs, which enlist the help of contract manufacturers in order to churn out affordable white label devices so that other folks will be able to sell it under their own brand names. This would provide the opportunity for NVIDIA to control the range of features and performance of devices, ensuring that the final product will retain a high degree of quality. What do you think of this effort from them if it pans out to be true?

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