With the introduction of Siri and Google Now, many smartphone users have probably asked their digital assistant to update their calendar, set a timer, or to read their messages to them. But one issue a number of users probably have is their smartphone is tucked away someplace and retrieving it just to get a quick update isn’t worth it. That’s an issue the makers of CommBadge probably experienced one too many times, and decided to launch their project on Indiegogo in hopes they could offer their product to consumers.

The CommBadge is a personal communicator that can be clipped onto any part of your body that you feel would be easy to reach when you need to communicate with your iPhone or Android device. A tap on the CommBadge will allow you to communicate with your phone without needing to pull out your device. Not only that, but the CommBadge also can be used as a bluetooth speaker to answer and make phone calls.

The creators of CommBadge are asking for a $75 contribution, which will get you one Galactic Black CommBadge Classic, which if the project receives full funding, will ship out in April 2013.

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