We’ve been hearing a remarkable amount of BlackBerry 10 rumors ever since RIM announced its major press event taking place on January 30. We’ve seen a number of BlackBerry Z10 and BlackBerry X10 articles, but we haven’t heard much in regards any BlackBerry 10 tablets. RIM manufactured its PlayBook tablet, so we should expect a BlackBerry 10 tablet, right?
Earlier today, RIM announced it would be running promotions for BlackBerry 10 during the Super Bowl, which by February 3, they’ll already have announced all of their BlackBerry 10 devices during their New York City press event. But within the press release, RIM used specific wording in its press release that confirms BlackBerry 10 tablets are planned.
The section of RIM’s press release that stood out the most follows:
“RIM confirms that BlackBerry 10, its new mobile computing platform that will power the next generation of smartphones and tablets, will be featured in a commercial during Super Bowl XLVII.”
RIM’s PlayBook did not receive exceptional sales, but the tablet was well-received by BlackBerry enthusiasts, especially for its ability to pair with BlackBerry smartphones. Judging by how much RIM is betting on its BlackBerry 10 devices, we’re sure they also plan to release a BlackBerry 10 tablet that the company believes will change the mobile landscape as much as their smartphones will.
Filed in BlackBerry 10 and RIM.
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