With the launch of Windows Phone 8 and its accompanying devices, presumably Microsoft was hoping that they would be able to do better compared to Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 7.5, and it looks like that might be the case. According to NPD who released some interesting statistics regarding the Italian mobile market, it shows that ownership of Windows Phone devices in Italy has risen rather significantly from Q2 2012, whereby ownership of WP devices is around 5% for the Italian market. Granted this is nowhere near the level of ownership that Android has, but at least it is on the rise which is no doubt more positive compared to iOS and Symbian, both of which appear to be on the decline.

It isn’t surprising to hear that WP adoption is on the rise these days – after all there have been numerous claims by retailers around the world that the Nokia Lumia 920 is selling like hotcakes, with some retailers running out of stock as soon as they get them. It might be a while before Windows Phone will play catchup to iOS and Android, but for now it looks like things are going well, although Microsoft will probably need to keep an eye on RIM’s Blackberry 10 platform which is launch in 2013.

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