If you are running a Linux computer, or have a Linux machine lying around somewhere, you might be interested to learn that the Steam for Linux beta is now open to anyone who might be interested in giving it a go. This was announced by Valve and according to them:

The Steam for Linux repository (currently empty) is public, allowing anyone with a free GitHub account to create a new issue and edit or track it and search the existing bug database. The repository contains a readme file (README.md) detailing how to create a new issue (it describes the same format used in the closed beta).

The team will continue working through existing issues in the forum but it is strongly recommended that any new issues be entered using GitHub’s issue tracking interface. The sub forums will remain open so that people can join/continue existing discussions about the Steam for Linux client.

Some of you guys might be aware that Valve has been working on Steam for Linux for quite a while and has documented the process in a dedicated blog, and that back in October, the company was looking for beta testers which suggested a close beta environment. The good news is that if you didn’t manage to get into the beta program then, you will now be able to and you can look forward to games like Portal, Team Fortress 2 and Serious Sam 3 BFE.

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