So we have seen a Twitter-controlled cockroach in our earlier post, but what about a human camera? That might not make that much sense at first, as we would think that it has something to do with a human holding a digital camera in tow, but with the Touchy, it is a device that has some pretty lofty claims, that is, to turn anyone into a kind of human camera. Touchy is the brainchild of Hong Kong new media artist Eric Siu, where it is worn in the same way as a helmet and comes in the shape of an old school camera.

The helmet itself will be attached to a tiny globe that is known as the Touchy Bulb. Whenever passersby touch the bulb and the wearer simultaneously for 10 seconds, a signal will be sent to the helmet, followed by a photo being shot. For some artistic freedom, right before the photo is taken, the helmet’s eye sockets open twin apertures will reveal the wearer’s eyes that are illuminated by an internal helmet light, and once the photo is shot, it can be previewed on the 3.5” LCD display located at the back of the helmet.

Filed in Gadgets..