We know that RIM’s CMO promised that Blackberry 10 would launch with at least 70,000 apps, although with RIM recently announcing their Android Port-A-Thon, we’re guessing that some of those 70,000 apps will be apps ported over from Google’s Android platform. That’s not a bad thing though because Android numbers more than half a million apps the last time we checked, and if more popular Android apps get ported onto Blackberry 10, the more people might be willing to check out RIM’s latest mobile operating system.

RIM has announced that the Android Port-A-Thon will be taking place on the 11th of January 2013, and it seems that they are eager to reward developers with make successful ports. According to their website (source link below), a successfully ported and approved app will net the developer $100 with a maximum of 20 apps per vendor. Developers who submit apps will also be eligible to participate in drawing in which they will be able to win a Dev Alpha device. For interested developers, hit up the source link below for the details, and for the layman what this means is that (hopefully) by the time Blackberry 10 launches, there will be a ton of cool apps you will be able to check out.

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