Heads up Metal Slug fans, if you enjoyed Metal Slug 3 on your iOS device, you might be pleased to learn that SNK Playmore has announced that the original Metal Slug has made its way onto iOS and Android devices today. Priced at $1.99 as a special introductory offer, SNK Playmore calls this version of the game an “arcade-perfect” port of the classic, with the difference mainly being in its touch controls, online ranking system and you can even play alongside your friends in multiplayer mode via Bluetooth. Even better news is that if you think that SNK Playmore should just port the entire Metal Slug series onto mobile devices, the company has also announced that after listening to the numerous requests from fans, they will also be releasing Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X in the near future (no specific dates were mentioned). The game can be downloaded via the iTunes App Store for iOS devices, and Google Play for Android, although at this time of posting a search on Google Play did not yield the game, but perhaps it will be added later on today.

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